All his fault


A yell of the King echoed in the entire palace he lived in. The court was under silence of fright as the General gazed at Nolan beneath a calm expression. "I apologize, Your Majesty. I fell for her tricks and let her run away" Lorenzo explained. Angering the King more.

"CAN'T YOU EVEN CAPTURE A MERE GIRL LIKE HER?! SHE IS NOT THAT HARD TO READ! DIDN'T YOU KNOW SHE WAS WICKED ENOUGH TO MESS WITH YOU?!" Nolan kept shouting due to rage. Pointing his finger at the man with full of disappointment held inside.

The Queen also remained silent from the side since they all knew Nolan's irritation was perilous to get between. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, GENERAL SIGERTEN?! DID THAT GIRL BEG YOU TO LET HER ESCAPE?! DO YOU LOVE HER THAT MUCH?!" The King questioned.