
Unable to stand still anymore, Lin Bo the son of the previous chief Lin Zhou roared in animosity: "Uncle, Lin Zhang, aren't you going too far to even gift the precious treasure red devil yang stone to Yichen? He ain't even started his cultivation yet?! The red devil yang stone is very precious and given to Yichen; he won't be able to use it.

Isn't it the same as giving the sword to a dumb person? With his cultivation, he won't be able to utilise the stone and would only be wasted!"

"Yes, that's right! It's useless to a talentless person like Yichen!"

"Yes. He doesn't deserve it."

As Lin Bo spoke the words, all the fellow youths of the Lin clan too sounded their opinion. It was their perfect chance to vent out their anger and they won't just let it pass by.

Lin Zhou on the side sneered at it. The bitterness he suppressed inside had been vented out by his son and the youths. It was going good.

With so much commotion, he was sure that his brother, Lin Zhang had to rethink the decision again.

While the iron was still hot, he stroked it again: "This...elder brother, the youths are disagreeing about rewarding Yichen with the red devil yang stone. I think we need to reconsider it as to give the precious reward to a talentless person like Yichen, it is only right that the youths vented out their anger."

Lin Zhang eyed the sly act of this pretentious brother but didn't comment a word on it.

He simply turned towards the crowd and declared savagely: "If it is wrong to reward Yichen with the precious red devil yang stone then tell me who amongst the Lin youths or even the elders deserves it?

Tell me who amongst of you was able to cure the disease I had for several years? Yichen did the thing which no one in the Lin clan could do; even if it weren't my son but someone else, I will still give the reward."

Lin Zhang was straightforward and upright when he said those words that the Lin clansmen shrank and humbled.

None of them dared to face him now. They all looked at the ground in shame trying to avoid meeting him in the eye.

Lin Zhang was like a wrathful wolf who was ready to devour anyone that came to him.

Intimidated by it, Lin Zhou turned away cockeyed; he already lost it. Lin Bo and the youths on the side were left abashed there.

They felt hateful, jealous, and bitter all of it at once. This Yichen got only lucky! He simply didn't deserve it; they bit their lips and were left soured just by the thought of it.

Though Yichen depended on the dream; it was true that he cured the incurable disease which had lingered for the past several years; it was also true that he had no cultivation in him and didn't deserve the precious reward such as the red devil yang stone.

The Lin youths hardly couldn't accept that the reward which they coveted for long with years of sweat and blood was being snatched away from them just like that. And the most ridiculous of all was-- it being handed over to a talentless person with no cultivation!

They just couldn't accept it.

The six elders on the stage didn't speak a word about it; they just let the chief do whatever he wanted because they knew the reward he gave to Yichen was only right.

Yichen not only saved the face of the Lin clan but also helped in raising the power of the clan. He contributed to making the Lin clan returned to its former glory which was- bringing back Lin Zhang.

With such good deeds, it was only natural that he received such a grand reward.

Observing the quietened face of all the clansmen, Lin Zhang continued with his sharp speech: "Since no one ain't able to answer my question then I am guessing that you all understood as to why I have gifted the reward to Yichen? I hope the clansmen wouldn't raise the issue again?"

With such a tempting speech, the Lin clansmen didn't comment on it; they couldn't help but consent to every word of the chief.

Taking advantage of the situation, Lin Zhang turned to his son and noted strictly: "Once the meeting is over, Yichen, you are to stay behind; the elders and I will hand you over the reward."

Yichen cupped his fists and thanked pleasingly: "Yichen thanks father and the Lin clansmen for rewarding me with such a grand reward. Yichen promises to use it wisely and cultivate it to become the rising star of the Lin clan.

Yichen will prove that Yichen is solely deserving of the red devil yang stone."

Lin Zhang couldn't help but felt proud of his son's mature words.

He was serious when he said it. Though his words had a bit of arrogance in it; it had hidden confidence in them and also it was a slap to those who had belittled him and thought of him as nothing but a mere loser. Just by his words alone, he was already at the top of the Lin clan.

Provoked by it, Lin Bo lowly sneered: "Tch! Him becoming the rising star of the Lin clan? He has to meet this daddy before becoming one. Whether it's a rising star or a falling star, we will see about that."

His animosity was bone-deep when he heard the arrogant statement.

"Bah! This Yichen, it seems that he has some loose screw in his brain; his cultivation ain't even started yet but he is already putting up airs?!

Heh, Lin Bo, don't mind him, that brat is just a genius in spouting nonsense; the real genius is you. No one in the Lin clan is as good as you.

You are only twelve and are already in the Qi collection realm, level 7, with such an astonishing cultivating speed, no one in the Lin clan can surpass you."

said a lad whose name was Lin Xin; 13 years old, 5.2ft tall, with an average look and a skinny body. He looked plain with no hint of liveliness in him.

As he was encouraging Lin Bo, another voice sounded in a somewhat confirming tone: "Yes, Lin Xin is right. You are the only genius in the Lin clan. Though Lin Yichen had taken the red devil yang stone, there's still one reserved for you. No one can take it from you."

Lin Heng, who looked rather considerate of his friend and the Lin clansmen overall comforted him.

Just by attending to his words, Lin Bo couldn't help but clenched his fist in hatred. He was even more triggered at the thought that the good-for-nothing Lin Yichen was awarded the red devil yang stone. While he cultivated hard for it; Yichen who had done nothing and had no cultivation in him was handed the award in a silver tray.

Not only that but his father's position as the chief of the Lin clan was being snatched away by the father and son duo.

This was all nothing but a dramatic ploy of the father and son.

That very thing triggered him immensely.

His anger and bitterness towards his Uncle and son were starting to become deep-rooted and had already started to spread.

Seeing his provoked expression, Lin Heng patted his shoulder, trying to calm him: "Lin Bo, don't fret much, your time will come."


They all supported it.

Though the reward had been affirmed, Yichen was not done there.

He was waiting for this glorious moment his whole life; how could he just let it slide just like that? Now that he had his father and his master to back him up; the present Yichen now feared nothing of the world.

Moreover, he thoroughly enjoyed those shrunken and grudging faces of those who had done wrong to him. It felt amazingly good to see their pissed face.

It was now time for his full repayment and he won't simply stay idle until he did it.

"Father, Yichen have another matter to inform."

He said with a devilish smug on his jade face.

Just when he said those words, all the Lin clansmen who had done bad to him started to sweat profusely. God knows what this brat had to inform now?

They all stared at him in tension.

"Oh? There's still more?"

Lin Zhang's eyes shone in amusement.

As the clansmen attend to it all, some of them were already bathed from sweats. They were under heavy pressure thinking about what the kid would inform the chief.

They were worried about their past sins.

Just as Yichen opened his mouth they stood fidgeted as if the demons were clasping their feet tight from beneath the ground, making them immobile.

As usual, Yichen began with his dramatic opening: "This is a very sad and heartfelt story that Yichen wished to share with the father."

Lin Zhang attentively listened to his son while he goes on: "Right after father had gotten crazy with the disease and loses his consciousness; Yichen had never received pocket money from the clan's bank. While all my fellow peers got them, Yichen never had the luxury to receive a penny. Instead, Yichen was mocked and kicked out of the bank. Since father, the upright chief is now back, Yichen only wished for a reasonable justice."

He concluded with a brattish grinned on his face.

Just as he said those words, the Lin clansmen who were in charge of the clan's bank shrank in horrorstruck.

It was like a sudden bomb being dropped on top of their heads.