A change

Lord Guotin was left smiling as he saw the kid's elated conduct.

The kid had been so serious and was diligently striving all those months and finally, he had succeeded it. As a master, he too was naturally proud of his accomplishment.

Yichen dived on and swam across the lake. It was the best refreshing feeling that he felt after a long while.

It became a moment of relieving tension and relishing the effort.

A while later, he came back to their cave.

Arriving there, he changed into fresh clothes and looked around the area.

"Mn. Nothing much happened here. My aim was quite perfect."

Yichen mumbled.

Lord Guotin was left busy cooking fish on the side.

He quickly turned to the kid and said cheerily: "Heh, brat, you are indeed observant. If your blast has reached the cave, we would have needed to set another camp."

"Of course, this disciple is so wise that Yichen would never put himself at a disadvantage."