
He immediately checked to see what was there.

There were many unique beast treasures like the beast tails of the profound beast, beats cores of several levels of the beast, beast fangs, wings and beast horns, and rare beast blood which were all rare treasures and of expensive quality.

The black-horned of black-horned demon wolf was considered the important ingredient for making pills and the famous three sects would covet to have it and could be sold at a high price.

Furthermore, the horn of the profound beast white horn tiger was expected to be of high value.

It will peak up the price!

Surprised to see it all elder Du reacted stunned: "This?!"

Elder Du was indeed flabbergasted by it all. Surely Cheeky chick had previously told him that his things were quite a lot, but he didn't expect it to be this much!? These all were precious and rare beast treasures, which when put into the guild would make a huge profit out of it!