
The day passed by like that and the moon quickly took its turn.

The dark sky was filled with brilliant shining stars and the Lin clan was left in a lively and joyous atmosphere.

It's been ages since they last held a banquet like this, so they all were naturally happy.

Lin Yichen too had gotten up from his rest and was busy dressing up.

He wore an elegant grey with a mixture of white and black clothes and looked incredibly handsome on his milky white skin.

His smooth silver hair was too neatly half tied with a copper colour clasped, making him looked extra dignified.

Young Yichen looked quite expensive and distinguished when dressed up.

As he was busy looking himself in the mirror, Lord Guotin quickly flew out from the pendant realm.

He quickly settled down on the lad's shoulder and spoke up amusingly.

"Mn, brat you look quite handsome when dressed up."

Lord Guotin said as he watched him.