Long time

Event head Li Wei finally returned to the VIP section of the Antares dome and was seated there.

He was waiting for those winners who had entered the mystic crystal abyss qi to come out.

On the side, Lord Guotin was flying around the entire Antares dome in search of his disciple.

He followed the trace of his disciple and found that the man who was holding the mystic crystal abys qi was moving around.

Therefore, it was difficult to find him. 

At last, he finally felt a faint trace of his young disciple!

The man who was holding the mystic crystal abyss qi was getting nearer!

With that, Lord Guotin hurriedly flew towards the room where the trace was and eventually found the event head Li Wei seating there.

The faint trace of his disciple was coming out from his pocket.

Relieved by it, Lord Guotin quickly flew towards the table by his side and waited for his disciple there.