Precious encounter

While Ma Dishi and the elder were laughing heartily, Yichen was left a bit pissed, but then, he let it go.

Later on, they continued with many fun and amusing stories about the nether realm.

The nether water had done the job of alcohol and was helping them bond there.

When taking a large quantity of the Nether water, its effect became quite similar to that of an alcohol.

They were quickly getting drunk but were having the times of their life.

Too much nether water had made them lose consciousness and get drunk.

The night went by like that in the nether realm and everyone soon laid collapsed onto the table.

They were intoxicated by it and were left fast asleep.

It was the next day, the elder was the first one to get up from there.

Seeing that the two handsome youngsters were still sleeping so peacefully, he didn't wake them up and was left busy doing his usual work.