A strong character

Of course, since it was a life and death battle, therefore, the announcers had to pre-warn the contestants before they entered the arena. 

This was to make sure that when they die, they die consciously and also to not blame the event organizers.

This was to make sure to everyone that the contestants had entered the life and death battle of their own accord, that way no one had to take responsibility for their deaths and also, they didn't have to feel guilty for their losses.

After all, in the end, this was all their own decision.

The lady announcer then eyed around the contestants to see if anyone were willing to give up.

Finding there to be none, she grinned quite amused.

The Nether King on the side was too relaxingly watching it all.

He was having all the fun, examining each one of them.

He was rather entertained by the fact that every contestant was quite willing to test themselves with the life-and-death battles.