Suspicious thing

Lord Guotin who was busily sleeping was too aware of it all that he instantly woke up.

His face was much more determined as he flew and sat on Yichen's shoulder.

Yichen then stood up with brimming confidence in him and declared savagely: "Alright, let's go and crash this tournament!"


Both Red Root and Silver Flower replied in unison.

With it, they all headed towards the mid-level tournament arena.

On the side, inside the arena, Frog King was busy searching for Kill Monster.

He was nowhere to be found!

Just a while ago before he fell asleep, he was right there before his eyes, seating and laughing with his neighbours and the moment he woke up, he was gone.

'Just where the hell is he?'

As Frog King continuously looked around for him, he finally noticed Kill Monster in the Group D arena section.

Frog King was a little bit relaxed there.