The banquet

The banquet was beautifully well-managed!

It was held in a large, long hall with many lanterns lighting up the place in rows on that tall black rocky wall.

On the floor were the long black table and chairs which were put in a vertical position.

Up on the front was the horizontal medium-sized black table and chair meant for the Nether King.

Over all those tables and chairs, several lanterns were kept in between the various delicacies of meats and wines.

Several expensive kinds of meats, wines and fruits were all kept there in plentiful amounts. 

From the scale of it, one would easily know that the Nether King had put up much effort there.

Yichen and his team even the whole Nether crowd who was watching it all, looked at it all in awe.

Some even drooled upon seeing those delicious-looking feasts.

It was as if those youngsters were having a royal banquet at a mystically charming and magnificent cave.