The answer

"Eh, mention not, this is the least we can do to help you guys. After all, you are all helping us to escape from the nether realm, we couldn't be happier to assist you all."

Senior Wood Eater said in much thoughtfulness.

Silver Flower and Red Root smiled at it and looked at each other quite pleased.

Wood Eater then turned to his wife and said amusingly: "Well, then, why don't we go out and put on an interesting show out there?"

"Heh, I am born ready!"

Lady Green Vine said much excitedly.

She was all ready to put on an exciting show out there. 

With it, Wood Eater instantly turned to look around and acted convincingly: "I surrender! Let me go back and start all over again!"

"Yes! I too can't handle this mess anymore! I surrender! Let me start all over again!"

Lady Green Vine followed his act.

Seeing their act on point, Red Root covered his mouth and giggled amusingly.

Silver Flower too beamed at it all.