The lucky one

'What sort of organization would that be to be able to create such a masterpiece that can break through the divine tier arrays of the Nether realm?'

Frog King was left wondering by it. He then quickly snapped out of it and shook off his immediate thoughts.

It was no time to wonder about the size of their organization.

Now that he had reached the Nether Kill town, the eternal nether flame sea would soon be near, so, he should stay alert and focused on the task at hand.

Therefore, with this thought in mind, Frog King continued to fly towards the direction of the Eternal Nether flame sea.

Though it was the next day, and many people were awakened, no one still had no idea about the thing that a green hair lad name Frog King had escaped from the Nether Kill city and was on his way to escape from the Nether Kill town as well.