The change

He was rather annoyed there.

 The comrade who had been with him through thick and thin was saying that he would go to help those White Moon sect bastards, who he always got into a fight with?

That's unacceptable!

Yan Yuze was quite not liking it.

His face darkened as he turned away irritated.

Knowing that Yan Yuze was pissed off by it, Yichen said collectedly: "It's not time to fight amongst us. We already know that we are fighting against this mighty Royalty and the dreadful shadow energy, therefore, it's high time that we unite and fight against them. We shall save each other as no one is coming to save us."

Then he slightly turned to Yan Yuze and noted with a grin: "Also, you guys are not nemesis, aren't you? It's just both of you showing off your powers and pissing off each other. You are just competitive with each other, ain't I right?"

Lin Yichen was all-knowing when he said that Yan Yuze was left speechless there.