The facts

With that, he was hoping that Ma Dishi never died single at the horror thought of having a wife in the Nether realm lest he didn't recall anything that had truly happened in the realm.

On the side, Ma Dishi was left standing there in helplessness.

Forget about finding another girl to love and remarry, he never wanted to be married to an unknown girl in the first place!

This was quite a headache for him there and this was all thanks to his brat friend Lin Yichen.

Ma Dishi was left standing there aloof and in deep thought while Yichen was grinning amusingly on the side.

With that, he spoke up consciously: "Forget it. Let bygones be bygones, now that we are here, we have to face the current pressing matter."

Ma Dishi was rather annoyed there that he, in turn, looked at Yichen and asked bizarrely: "What pressing matter? What matter could be far more horrible than me being married off to a giant, Nether lady without my sense?"