The gutsy one!

She was too looking at the screen in amusement.

Like her brother, she had a porcelain skin tone, long black hair which was half tied with a beautiful silver clip, her black eyes had a unique charm in them, had a pointed nose, rosy lips and thick eyebrows.

She was in her mid-twenties and looked beautiful in her white dress, looking like a young fairy descended from heaven.

As she was watching there, she sensed that her brother Zhiyu was so maddened by the commotion and the false remarks over him that he was clenching his fist in anger.

He then finally lashed out in anger: "Tch! What a group of funny people! How dare they try to taint my name with such false claims?! They are seeking death!"

With that, his eyes shone in a golden light and was about to make his commands to those statuses!

In sync with it, those stone statues on the other side too glowed their eyes in golden lights!