The bountiful harvest!

After all, didn't he face countless numbers of higher cultivation realms and a greater number of opponents back then and always end up winning in the end?

Those were just mere things for him and hadn't been a problem, not even a single one.

It was not arrogance but the sheer confidence that he had attained after facing countless battles and several enemies.

Of course, those who hadn't walked in his shoes wouldn't know about it.

His master Lord Guotin had always been so strict and meticulous with his training and battles that Yichen had to go through so many fights and battles all alone and because of it all, he had soared at this stage and achieved such unprecedented results.

The journey that he walked on, no one could understand at all.

And this was the same for Shen Ling, Su Chao, Shen Puyi and Shen Park.

They couldn't understand him at all and instead took his words as his arrogance.