I can't eat anything made by you

He stared at me for a long time before going back to his room, he didn't say any word after that.

"Good morning," I call out to the door.

Walking down, I didn't try to tiptoe again. There's no use in doing that now since he's already awake. The person I thought not to wake up with the noise of my slippers is already awake, so I don't have to act like a thief.

"Good morning sir." Marli smiles when she saw me.

"Good morning." I mirror her expression. Sitting on one of the dining chairs, I turn to face her.

Marli is the only live-in cook we have in this house. Sly thinks it won't be good if we have more than two maids, but I know he did that to prevent me from having any friends to talk to.

He doesn't want me to have any form of communication whatsoever, that's why he only has two maids working for us.

Marli lives here with us, but the cleaner comes in every day.

"What do you want to have this morning?"

"Aren't you going to classes?" I check the time on the clock, and sure, it's almost eight o'clock.

" I do, but I have to complete breakfast, if not, am afraid I won't be able to keep my job. "

" But you have a test after class? "

" I do. " She stirs whatever it is that's in the pot. " I might have two classes and an exam, but there's no way I'll leave my job here for that.

Losing this job I just got isn't an option at all. It's the only job so far that has given me more time to study and attend classes. I can't afford to lose it.

As for the class and test, I'll have to ask the lecturer to give me another private test, you don't have to worry. "

Looking at her can see how much she wants to go to classes, but the tone of voice she made use didn't match her expression at all.

"You can go ahead to class, I'll take care of things here." I smile at her.

" I don't understand, I'm not through with breakfast yet."

" Don't worry, I'll help you with that. It's only I and my husband here, you don't have to worry, I can take care of our breakfast, just don't forget to make dinner." I rise from the chair and walk toward her.

I made to take the spatula she's stirring things with from her, but she refused to give it to me. Stubbornly pursuing her lips, she gives me a look.

" I don't want the boss to sack me should he find out I left you to cook when that's the reason he employed me."

" Am I not also the boss?" I raise a brow at her.

" You are." She looks down in embarrassment. " I'm just talking about the other boss. You're far nicer than he is, that's why I don't want to piss him off at all."

" Don't worry about Sly, I'll take care of him." I take the spatula. " Go and get ready, at least you arrive late for classes." I smile brightly at her.

" Thank you, Lee. You've made my day."

" You're welcome."

" I'll go prepare." She ran out of the kitchen, and towards her room to get ready.

I know I won't be able to attend classes as Sly won't allow that, but there's no way I won't help another attain their dream.

Helping Marli complete her studies makes me feel content and whole. It makes me feel like I've achieved something in life.

Looking at the things she has on fire, I try to complete the task. Cooking isn't all that difficult for me, but it has been a long since I last cooked.

Sly doesn't allow me near the gas.

Who knows, he might have that stupid mentality that I might burn the house should I be given the free reins of the kitchen.


"I'm off to class, see you when I return." Marli now dressed in a moderate red gown and black shoes look different compared to how she was this morning.

"Bite off your pencils!" I call out to her.

"Thanks." Waving at me, she exits the building.

Watching her go made me sigh.

If only I have such freedom to go out and return as I please.


"What are you doing there?" Sly's booming voice made me almost jump out of my skin *I don't know how possible that is, but that's precisely how I feel*

" Um…." Removing the apron, I turn to face him.

" Where is the cook? Why isn't she cooking today?" He narrows his eyes at me, his eyes looking more fearful than I've ever seen.

" She's not. She went… she did…." I stammer as I try to think of a tangible lie to make use of, one I know won't be discovered by Sly, who appears to be able to scent out the lie from me.

"Where did she go to?!"

"She's not feeling fine!" I said the first words that came to mind.

"And she's in her room?" He looks towards her room.

"No, she…"

"Where did she go to Lee?" He slowly advances toward me.

"She… She went to classes." I look down at my slippers.

Lying to him now isn't an option, as he's likely to find out from someone apart from me, and that won't be good.

"Classes?" He scoffs, "She went to classes without preparing any breakfast?"

"I asked her to, moreover, I've prepared breakfast." I smile at him.

" And who said I'm going to eat that poison you have there?" He gives the covered plates a look.

" It's not poison, I made it, especially for you."

Preparing his meal took me more time than necessary. I had to make sure the meal is the best.

"As if I can eat anything made by your hands, "giving me a look, he turns to go.

"What's wrong with a good cooked by me?" I ask as I tried to keep the tears at bay. I can't let him know just how affected I am by his words.

" You cooked it, that's what's wrong."