A clash

"What?" Pop turned at my words. "Where did you see her?" She peered through the sunglasses she had just got.

"Over there. She's touching the same bag you bad-mouthed the quality."

"Oh? Let her do that, then. She only deserves second-hand quality." Pop smiled, "let's go and get our shopping spree started!"

Haven't we been shopping?

Yet, I said nothing as she dragged me from one shop to the other, without stopping. Pop is indeed a shopaholic.

"You see that rose bangle over there? Let's get it. It definitely will suit your skin!" And she dragged me off to wherever it is she saw the rose bangle.

"Hey! Watch it!" I felt myself being pushed to the floor before I registered that I was pushed to the floor.

"Hey!" It all happened in slow motion.

One minute I was being tugged by the hand to see the rise bangle, and in the next, my butt was speaking with the hard floor.