Who's that handsome man?

"Bye." Sly stood there and didn't make a move to leave.

"What are you still doing there? Go on." I urged him to leave.

"Don't worry about me. I will stand here, and watch you enter the class."

"Are you afraid that I don't attend classes? Is that your reason for standing there?" I arch a brow at him.

"That's not it." He stood there, and still make no move to leave. "I will stand here and watch you. Don't worry, I will leave the moment you enter your class. I just want to make sure they won't shout at you."

"She won't do that. Just go."

"No, will do. You are only wasting your time trying to convince me. I will only leave when I'm confident that you don't have anything to worry about. Don't worry, I will leave the moment you enter your class."

"Okay." I decided not to argue with him about this.

If I should stand there, and try to convince him to leave, all day long, I might end up not going to class.