I'm no wife of yours

His words hurt me more than anything I've ever heard in my entire life.

Indeed, I've not been a good father to Grys, but that was done for his sake.

Secluding him is for his good more than mine, I wanted to make him forget about us, and that's why I secluded him.

This way, he wouldn't miss us when he gets married to the devil.

Not only that, but I made sure none of his siblings knew him intimately. I made sure he doesn't get a bond with them, this way it'll be easier for him to leave when the time comes.

Giving my son to that monster isn't something I would have willingly done, but right now, I have no choice in that.

The devil has returned to collect and having no choice in the matter, I had to give him the child who was promised to him.

I thought to exchange my son for a manservant when he was still a little boy, but apparently, the devil got wind of it and warned me about it.

Warned me never to think about changing my son for another, else he'll wipe off my entire family.

Watching my son getting married to the devil isn't something am proud of. The deal I made those years ago for my kingdom has in some ways returned to bite my butt.

My son thinks I hate him, but I make no move to correct his assumptions.

It'll be better this way if he ends up living with the devil for a long time. At least he'll have his anger to feed him and make him endure most of the things life might throw at him.

I want to make him strong, strong enough to be able to endure things.

"Let's go then, we can't keep the devil waiting." Walking side by side with him, I lead him to the Altar.




"We can't keep the devil waiting."

I inwardly scoff at my father's words.

If I had thought my father to have an inkling of love for me, his words now have perfectly and completely dashed my hopes.

He can't keep the devil waiting, but he can keep me married to the devil.

It's just not fair!

Not fair at all.

"Of course, my king, We can't keep the devil waiting. Who are we to do that?" I purse my lips.

Smiling brightly, I act like the cute son I never am.

"You know I…."

"It's okay. The devil will be here any moment from now, let's go on, at least the devil finds me wanting when he comes to collect."

" Okay." The king looks like he wanted to say something, but thought better of it. " Let's go, we have a feast to attend."

Father left me to stand at the Altar in front of the priest.

" This is it, son, I'll leave you here. The devil is coming in any moment from now, you won't wait for long." Smiling at me, he majestically walks back to his chair, or should I call it a makeshift throne?

Watching him, I had to turn my entire focus on the priest when he locked eyes with me.

There's no way I am going to show him just how affected I am by all that's going on. There's no way I'll let him know I want to have a life that's different from this.

A life where there's nothing like a deal, and a devil coming to collect.

Giving the priest a look, I try to think of the reason his head is bald.

Could it be the newest fashion in Town, and I'm only getting to know of it now?

If only I knew of this before I left my room, I would have made my head bald without much thought.

The great doors made a little noise as someone opened them.

Without turning, I'm quite confident the person who walked in is no other person than the devil.

The gasp and murmured words from the audience made it all the more prominent.

Had I not known before, there's no way I would have missed things? They didn't make it all that difficult.

Without turning to acknowledge whoever the devil might be *honestly, I thought the devil will make a sort of grand appearance. More like he'll appear out of thin air, and whisk me off to the dark void where he resides.* I take a deep breath as I prepare myself for what's about to happen.

Everything ends today. It's either he dies, or I die while trying to change my future. There's no way I can willingly marry the devil.

I'll make sure he regrets the day he thought to make a Deal with his father, over a child who's still in the womb.

Which hideous man asks to marry a small baby that's still in the womb?

If that doesn't make him a pervert, tell me what else he is.

He's an old perverted man who wants some young blood to keep his immortal soul from death.

"Didn't even turn to acknowledge your husband. What a smug wife I've got here."

At the sound of the familiar voice that sent shivers down my spine in the bathroom, I turn towards him.

"What??" With eyes wide open, and eyes blinking without stopping, I look at the same man I met in the general restroom. "What are you doing here?"

There's no way, someone, as young and Handsome as he, can be the devil.

I look around to gauge the reactions of those close by, and I can tell how shocked they are about this.

"I came for my wedding, obviously, and it turns out the male I met in the restroom is none other than my wife-to-be." He says in a smug tone.

" Am no wife of yours. "

" Hey! What are you doing there? Get out from there before the devil makes an appearance! " One of the villagers called out in panic.

" And who do you think is standing before you? " He flicked his hand, and fire appeared.