Ravenous veins

I checked on the human, but he hasn't woken up. He's still sleeping like the dead.

"Are you sure he will be okay?" I turn to Bel who's leafing through a book as if she's kept at gunpoint and asked to read, or else they shoot her.

"He is. You don't have to worry about him. Your fire in him has already done the healing job for him, but it seems he needs to have some rest.

He looks as if he hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time."

"And why's that?" I frown at her in question.

"You need to ask him that by yourself. I'm not in the position to answer that question," she shrugged.

" I'll be back. I must make an appearance in the Jud. The old men have to be aware of my presence."

As if they don't know of it already. Your rage must have alerted them of your presence."

"I guess I wasn't subtle about that?"

"No, not at all. Your power almost overturned the ocean." She smiled, "Lyart thought you have lost it when the sky changed to a deep red. She thought the prophecy is about to be fulfilled."

"It was that bad?"

I can't recall what exactly happened then, but I knew I was too angry to reason with anyone.

"It was." She looked towards the human, "do you think he's the one?" she said dreamily. Her voice sounded so hopeful.

"I don't know. But I feel strange when I'm with him." The feeling is one I've not felt before. It's indescribable.

"We need—"

"There's nothing like that. I think I'm feeling this way because he's the only Human whom I have been with for more than a day."

The only times I've been with Humans are either during the contract signing or when I'm pissed with one of them.

"That might be the case. It might not."

"I'll keep an eye on him. You can go ahead to the Jud."

" I will be back," I said before I disappeared from the room, only to appear in the corridor, leading to Jud.

Lyart was already waiting for me when I rounded the corner.

"My Lord," she bowed before me.

"How have things been in my absence?"

"Things have been like always. The elders have been feeling cranky for days now. They are of the mind that something might have happened to you."

" I'm here right now. I —"

" The demon king whose son you killed is demanding justice. He's asking for permission to come to your presence."

" Let him in. I'll deal with him after the elders."

" This isn't a good idea, my Lord. He is a grieving father. He can't be allowed into the palace."

" Suit yourself, then." I walk past her and towards my Jud.

" My Lord?" She then ran after me.

"What is it?"

"Welcome home." She bowed once more before she disappeared.

I'm not glad to be home.

This place might be home, but it doesn't feel like home to me. I feel nothing for this place. Not even a sense of kinship.

The door to my Jud opened, and I strolled in like the Lord of the palace.

My Jud is divided into two-part. One is my judgement room, while one is my throne room.

They are in the same place, but are demarcated by a wall.

I walk through my throne room, and into my Judgement room.

At the head is my throne. Built by coals from the abyss, and precious stones gotten from the depth of the burning furnace. My throne is one built by fire and tried by flames.

At the head of the throne are withered grasses.

Once upon a time, the greased bloomed in its season. It was the source of life to everyone in hell. But one day, it withered.

Right now, it looks so brown, you would know it was once blooming. The bright colours have changed to a rusty brown.

No one knew the reason the flowers withered or the cause of the dwindling in our powers. Nonetheless, I hope we find the cure before my people go extinct.

The elders are sitting on the five designated chairs, specially made for them.

Dressed in long flowing red gowns, they look like children who are playing dress-up. The robes seem to be something handed over to them by someone more muscular than they are.

"My Lord." The elders bowed.

My elders were seven when I created the parliament. They were gotten from the different kingdoms we have in hell.

"You may rise." I nod at them as I walked toward the throne.

I sat on it, closed my eyes, and allowed the power to wash through me. I felt the calm before the storm.

I strongly bite my bottom lip to prevent myself from gnashing as I felt the tug.

My people might not have known it, but the throne takes my power with it whenever I sit on it. The dead veins take my powers, and with it, they renew the ancient flower aside my throne.

This is the only thing keeping my people alive. It's the only way I know, to save my people. It's the only way forward for us all.

"You are looking good. It seems the human land isn't all that bad at all."

" It's not all that bad, but our Kingdom is better than it."

" I see." The only female elder we have in the parliament nods. "We hope your trip was successful."

"It was."

"You got another female to add to your growing list?" Elder Fenty groaned.

"Is there anything wrong with it?" I snap at him.

I close my eyes as the veins tugged on my body. I felt them as they tried to extract more powers from me.

They are like hungry, ravenous children.

"Nothing at all." He bowed in apology, "I'm sorry about that, my Lord."

"Better." I place my palm on my head and tried to ride out the pain from the sucking veins.