Served breakfast


"Let's go—"

I hit him on the head with my dagger and watched him fall to the floor, unconscious.

"I'm sorry!"

Without sparring him a glance, I run into the forest.

Unlike the first time I came here, was it two days ago? The forest seemed less friendly.

The tall dark trees that were few that day, were now numerous.

It shouldn't be impossible, right. However, by some strange miracle, it was possible. The fallen trees have risen.

I ran for a very long time, as I tried to keep up pace with my eyes. The axe of fire felt heavy in my hands, and the hilt which was silver started shining blue.

What's wrong?

I stopped running, to look at the strange axe, which had a neutral colour not long ago. However, now, it has taken another colour to it.

The axe started shaking, and that was when I heard the breaking of twigs behind me.

"Who's there?"

I spun at the sound of the unfamiliar voice.