
Is it only me, or has the devil been acting strange?

Ever since I woke, his behaviour towards me has changed. He became more attentive toward me.

"Are you up for some training today?" The devil asked when he came into the room to check on me.

"Training? Why should I be up for some training when I'm still healing?" I frown at him.

Although I don't feel any pain, nor do I have any reason to rest, I can't allow him to take me out for any training.

And don't you dare forget the fact that I need to escape.

No, no. I've not forgotten about that.

There is no way in this life that I will forget about my escape.

Life here might seem neutral and okay; however, I'm not about to be lured into it.

I bet, the devil is waiting for me to fully relax before he strikes.


The stupid axe called out in a sultry voice.