I hate you

I stood there, transfixed like a fool, as I tried to process what just happened. It felt as if my mind was on a trip of some sort.

I couldn't form any words, and neither were my thoughts functioning.


Sarit called out to me, in a light tone.

That name alone broke whatever spell the devil might have used on me.

"Let me go!" I pushed the devil. Stunned, he staggered a bit, creating enough distance between us.

I hastily wore my trousers and zipped them off.

Sarit laughed as I ran to where I kept my shirt, and hastily wore it.

"Grys?" The devil called out to me, in a voice that made me stop.

"What's it?" I didn't turn to face him. With my back to him, I stood waiting for what he wanted to tell me.

He strolled to me and touched my shoulders.

"Don't touch me!" I created as much distance as I can while glaring at him.