Not as special as i thought i was

"My Lord."

The demons bowed to me when they saw me. And like the one who came to ask if we should proceed, they bowed and stayed that way.

"You may rise."

I'm the prince of my kingdom; however, I don't feel that comfortable when someone is bowing to me. It makes me feel self-conscious.

"Thank you, your highness." They bowed once more before they straightened up.

I glanced around the place that was devoid of anything, but walls that went on for miles.

"Do you by chance know where your Lord went to?"

I didn't call him devil because I figured out that calling that might not look too good in the presence of his demons. So, it's better I pretend like I didn't call him devil minutes ago.

"No, my Lord." The Demon closest to me spoke up. He bowed lowly and only straightened up when he concluded.
