Where are my damn quarters

A Demon strode to the carriage and stood by the door as if he were waiting for the order of the devil.

"All you have to do is say the words, and we will turn the carriage back. I won't do anything you don't like."

"Let's go."

I won't want to be the reason for any sort of problem that might arise in the kingdom. The devil might withdraw his help, and that might lead to concerns in the kingdom.

I will feel guilty if I end up being the cause of any misfortune that might befall the kingdom.

"Are you sure about this, Grys? I won't mind if that's what you wish."

"Let's go."

The devil gave me a long, steady look before he knocked on the carriage door. The demon on the other side opened the door for us.

"Let's go," the devil turned to me.

"Go ahead, I will follow your lead."

The devil climbed down from the carriage, and I followed him. I had to carefully step down, to avoid plopping down to the floor like a clumsy fool.