Going on a tour

"You are not okay, Grys. I can tell that by looking at you." The devil's face morphed in concern, "come on, Just tell me about it, I can help you."

"I'm okay. You don't have to worry about me. The other wives are there for you to worry about if you want whom to worry About."

"I thought we have gone past this, Grys. The other wives are just here because it's their decision. You are the only one I'm willing to keep here." He grits his teeth in anger, "I don't know how to get you to see me for who I am."

His voice pained me. It made it seem as if I'm the one bullying him.

"It's nothing. I just want to be able to make decisions on my own."

"Why will you want to make decisions on your own when I can help you out?" He leaned closer, "I don't mind helping you, Grys. It will be a pleasure." He raised his hand.