He's still alive?

I scoffed at his words, "you can never be the one."

There was a large blast immediately after I said those words, And a large mass of smoke rose, only dissipating the moment it rose.

I covered my face with my hands, for fear I might get wounded by not only the smoke but the stones that have broken into pieces.

"It won't hurt you. Don't forget, we are in the past. There is nothing done in the past that can affect you."

"It has already happened?"

"Yes. You can't change the past, but you can change the future. This is why you were brought here, so you can understand the past, and shape your future with it.

Now, watch." He motioned to where Jyp stood, not long ago.

"Where is he?" I frown.

Jyp was no longer standing at the place he was standing when I covered my eyes.

Right now, the entire place is empty. It's devoid of not only the prince, but the large stones he raised in anger.