You are Jyp

"What truth?"

"You will know all in due time." He said, before he turned his back to me, to show he has no intention of continuing with the conversation.

He had his hand folded, with his back to me.

"Alright, I guess I will do nothing else but watch and learn."

Since those were the only words he loved to say, that was why I decided to make use of them, to indirectly mock him.


We stood there and watched Jyp as he laid to waste all the creatures that tried to fight him.

He was fast and ruthless as he cut them down.


Watching him made me feel happy and jealous at the same time.

"His powers weren't fully harnessed before his soul left his body. You can fully harness them, and avenge them. The creatures of the air aren't to be trusted. They are green snakes, Perfectly hiding in green grass."
