I want you (NSFW)

I pushed him to the floor and climbed on him.

"I need you, Fyre."

My body was hot, and I know the only thing that can quench the fire I felt deep within me was his hand on me.

The feeling was intense; it seemed as if I was about to break if I don't get what I wanted.

"I want you, Fyre. Please, touch me. Treat me anyhow you what, Fyre. I'm all yours. Please!" I begged him as the feelings in me got multiplied tenfold.

"Jyp," Fyre gently touched my Face, and it felt as if something snapped within me.

It was as if his touch were enough to make me hotter.

I clenched my thighs together as the muscles around my shaft spasmed hard. It was difficult for me to control as I got harder than I was before.

My hard shaft was straining against the trousers I was putting on, and it felt as if I was about to die if he doesn't touch me.


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