Last year

The two found their way to the museum and entered hand in hand, actually. Derick was bunching her hand into his and she couldn't refuse so, she played. Mona saw the pink stone and pulled the boy dragging her with no direction. When he also sighted the stone, he turned fully to the stone and smiled.

Mona hadn't had this sweet smile on her face ever since in the morning but after seeing the stone, she smiled and approached it, she touched the glass and felt the magic of the stone. Derick had the same expression but not as big as Mona.

After admiring the Stone for a while, Derick decided to take pictures with her seeing the stone together.

He proceeded with his thought and captured so many selfies and pictures of her. Very good, so many pictures of her on his phone. They departed from the museum after surveying other magical objects and also taking some more pictures.

They were walking side by side by the road when Derick took Mona's hands and led her to a small shop where ice cream was sold. He got one each for both of them and paid. Derick had had it in mind to confess his feelings and ask the girl out so he led her to a bench by the side of a pole.

Mona had known his motive and was waiting for the moment when she'd reject him so she could be free but she was devastated about the way he'd feel once she rejected him. She had to do so, for herself, for him and for her best friend.

She still had in her mind how she was going to apologize to Gina for not doing just as she said. The two were already seated on the bench watching the vehicles pass by and the pedestrian walking to and fro. After gathering a lot of courage and half preparing himself for her rejection, he called her name softly. "Mona."

Mona swallowed the cold cream in her mouth and raised an eyebrow, "Hmm," she replied.

Derick faced her fully and started. "You asked me once if I. . .I like you and you know I nodded. You remember right?" She could hear and feel the boy's heart racing. Mona looked away and nodded her head.

"It was true, I do like you a lot," he confessed.

"Since. . ." Mona calmed her shaky gut. "Since when?" She avoided his gaze.

"Last year," he replied.

"Why have you never told me about it?" She was still avoiding his gaze. It was May already so it had been six months since he had been feeling this way for her.

"I. . . I really don't know, you don't look at me, you don't even use to notice my presence, even when I smile at you you just act like it was normal. You never considered my presence and when this semester started with the both of us in the same class, my. . . feeling grew and I decided to tell you but Gina. . .I asked Gina to help me out but she keeps telling me it wasn't the right time. I took her words." He paused and she glanced at him. He wanted to be sure she was listening.

"But today that you got mad at me for no reason, I made up my mind to tell you." He ended his narration there while Mona continued to stare at the road. After a long moment of silence she looked at her hand he was holding desperately. Slowly, she took her hand back and asked. "Did you prepare yourself for my rejection?" After asking, she lifted her gaze to see that look of disappointment and hurt on his face.

He shook his head and turned to face the road. They had finished the ice cream. "I tried to but I gave myself hope that you might like me back," he didn't look at her.

"Well, I am so sorry to say this Derick but I don't feel anything for you." Mona did just as she had planned, rejecting him. Derick lowered his head and stared at his shoes.

"I wish I can force you to like me back," he uttered and glanced at her with that teary face. Mona felt so guilty. He lifted his gaze forward to see the play station. "Look, let's play games," he grabbed her hand and dragged her along. They waited for the red light and after that, they crossed the road to the play station.

Mona stared at him to see how much he was pained but he hid it not too well. One could tell he wasn't okay.

They spent hours playing the game and when dusk covered the city. He took her out of the play station. "Mona, we are friends from now on." He wasn't looking at her. She nodded. "I. . .I don't. . ." he scratched his forehead and his gaze landed on his hand that was holding hers. He let go of her hand and looked straight.

"If you have any problem in mathematics, I'm right here. Just keep praying that I get over the feelings I have for you," he stole a glance at her. "It's painful you know," his voice was turning croaky. "But it's okay. It's okay." It was more like saying to himself and Mona could see that.

"I'm sorry," were the only words that could escape her mouth. Derick stared at her for a while as if installing her looks into his brain after that, he sighed and shook his head.

"Let's head home," he went with her to the bus station, and they waited for almost thirty minutes. After what felt like forever he let her into the bus that arrived a minute ago and he waved at her. They lived in different areas.

Mona waved back and forced a smile like he was doing, the next moment his gaze was dragged by the moving bus, and soon, she was out of his sight.

Derick let out a heavy sigh of too much endurance, he unlocked his phone to stare at the pictures they took earlier, he zoom to her face and stared for a while in thought before lifting his gaze in a sigh. He was frustrated. Why? Why didn't she like him back? He kicked the air and pushed himself to sit on the vacant chair behind him. He bunched his fists with his hair and screamed inside of him.

Why didn't he prepare himself well for this heartbreak? Actually, he did but didn't believe it would happen? He wished he had control over her heart so she could like him back but just as his mother always says. Everything happens for a reason. There must be a reason why she didn't like him back.

He lifted his head to stare at the direction the bus went through. Eventually, Derick pushed himself up to his feet and staggered away from the bus station.