I'm no longer your mathematics teacher

The girl eventually led her legs away from Gina's neighbourhood and cleaned her face of tears as she didn't want questions from strangers. She took the bus home, sitting next to the window she recalled how Gina sobbed in front of the school principal on her knees saying that this was her only hope in life and that she shouldn't expel her.

She didn't know how she'd progress in life if she loses her scholarship. Mona's heart crushed at the image that flashed in her mind so she buried her face into her palms.

Thankfully, she was sitting alone and no one was sitting next to her. She now lifted her head back staring at the movement the bus made. "I'm so sorry Mona, for the inconveniences Gina caused you, thanks to Mr Ken here her skims has been exposed." She remembered the principal's words.

'Why Mr Ken? I begged you to let it go, I begged you to leave Gina alone but you went on and did what you wanted. Why?'