No one hurts my Mona

Kenny was wearing a mask as he sat on a table watching the men he hired torturing the stupid freak that touched Mona. His skin was burned by burning steel and the bastard was so smart to know that Kenny who was watching was the boss. He pleaded as they took him through hell. "Please. . . please let me go, I don't even know what I did." His eyes were swollen as he pleaded with Kenny.

The remorseless man pushed himself from the table and approached him fiercely. "You are so stupid to say you don't know what you did." He poured the gin he was drinking on his head and punched his face harder than the ones the men he hired offered his enemy. It was evident that the punch was hard because he lost a tooth.

Kenny hit him again and gripped his neck to the wall. "You touched the wrong girl," his voice shook the man's nerve. He was choking and was breathing heavily. "Just kill me," he uttered.