All wet

Kenny glared at the boy with blonde hair and looked back at his wife to see she was busy eating the egg and not minding what was going on in the living room.

"I can see we are disturbing you," Mama Belle uttered smiling at him. Her smile looked kind of teasing.

"True, Mama Belle. I and my wife were eating until you knock on the door and strictly told her not to stand up from that seat so..." He glanced at Mona to now see her staring in their direction. As always, she looked pretty and innocent, he smiled and saw the boy chuckling to himself. He could hear him say different things in his mind as he stared at his wife. He knew his Mona was a black girl but was much more beautiful than a white girl like Mama Belle's daughter or Gina. She wasn't just beautiful on the face, but on the body and heart. Everything about his Mona was beautiful so he walked to the boy's sight to block him from seeing his wife.