We are married

Kenny watched her silently, she looked so angry as she watched the video. "She..." She bit her lip as if she wanted it to bleed. 

"Mona," he grabbed the phone.

"Give it!" She yelled at him so he saw her anger and fear when their eyes met. 

He sighed and handed the phone back to her. "Why are you upset?" He asked.

"Because I can't give you three times a day," she stopped watching the video. "I can't even get horny," she felt like a disaster. 

Kenny didn't know what reply he should give, he just covered her shoulders. "Why would you go for me when a woman can give you all you want?" She asked.

"You are just jealous, this is how I always feel whenever a man looks at you like they wanted to eat you. I will think that what if they could give you what I can't, that can they satisfy you more in bed than I can. That's why I do everything to impress you."