Please impress me*³

The air, the breeze penetrating through the window added to their hunger. Mona didn't even realize that she hadn't eaten since the last afternoon. When she returned home last night Kenny made her go crazy for his d!ck that didn't just take her away but to a place, she wanted to stay in forever. Who could ever explain how beautiful and delicious it was to climax with someone one loves so much with everything? Who could explain that sensation when one calls out his name for more?

And suddenly she wished she wasn't pregnant, she wanted to feel that wild sex, she wanted to know what he meant by harder. She wanted more and more of him but it just wasn't enough. Was she going to forever in her life crave for him even though she knew she wouldn't have enough?

Kenny had locked his hot lips with hers again as her lips had the taste no girl had made him taste. Her lips had this special feeling he felt whenever they twisted their mouth together.