Just a minute

Mona knew about Kath being supernatural but the vampire who didn't how the water rose on its own still surprised Lucas but he acted like such didn't happen. He glanced at Kenny to see how upset he was.

"I'm sorry, man," he took his apology as a joke.

"It's not funny bro, she's my wife and you shouldn't discuss such in front of me or behind me. I literally don't like it." He was so stern that Lucas had to swallow.

He nodded and looked forward. "Mona, I'm sorry," he apologized again.

"Kenny," she glanced at her husband after gesturing to him with her leg.

"I know," he nodded. "I know I overreacted, I just don't like the way he sounded." He felt calm feeling her opinion. So, she placed her hand on his huge hand that was on the table. Mona smiled in assurance. She changed the topic immediately after he smiled back at her.