Something about you, something about him

When the door flew open, his lips stretched into a sweet smile to see his wife. But Mona frowned with her excitement peeking through her expression so she pulled him in and closed the door. 

Kenny watched her movement without uttering a word. "You said..." When she looked into his eyes, she suddenly realized and took his hand again. This time, she pushed him to sit and went straight to the kitchen. She handed him a glass of water and sat next to him. "Welcome Baby, how was your day? But you said eight, this is fifteen minutes to nine. You've been keeping me waiting." Mona didn't even let him answer her question.

Kenny sighed after gulping the water gradually until he finished it. "I feel relieved," he eased his breath and settled his whole attention on his wife. "Did I come back late?" He asked.

"Yes, you did," she showed him on his wristwatch. 

"Ohh, I close work by eight and the distance is..."