Are you happy?

In the end, Mona washed the clothes herself, she'd save the money Kenny keeps giving her and get herself a phone even if it was Samsung or LG. 

"Babe," she heard her husband's voice as she entered through the back door, she just spread the clothes on the ropes outside their house. 

"Kenny," she answered so he ran to where he heard her voice. After seeing him, she sighed and watch him come to her to wrap her. 

"You didn't have to..." He stroked her back warmly. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I want the steaks," she answered, "and I want you to read me a story before going to bed."

"I promised," he ran his hand through her hair after pushing her out of his arms to see her face. "Ah, my wife is getting mature," he heaved a heavy sigh and took her to the kitchen. 

He took the package he dropped in the living room and opened what was in it.