
Mona had her eyes away from his view. She didn't know if she was upset or just being dramatic, she just felt she shouldn't let him win.

"Thank you," Kenny said to the driver after shutting the door. He now placed his hand on her leg aiming to get on her nerves. "Your legs," he lifted her gown.

"Kenny," she pushed his hand off.

"Then, look at me," he sternly looked at her. Her eyes were on him now but not on the expression he wanted.

"Alright! She was my colleague when I worked in a hotel. We were in a relationship and we shared the deed. Happy now?" He looked at her but she had her eyes away. "Mona," he jerked her face to face him.

"I heard you," she pouted. "I'm just tired," she shifted her butt to sit close to him.

Kenny sighed and let her rest her head on his chest with his hand around her. "It has been a long night, rest Baby," he kissed her hair and decided to tie it into a ponytail.