His chest

"You do smoke," she pushed forward to look at him.

"It's cold," he uttered.

"Then, you should have stayed in," she now realized that his house was a few kilometres from where they were seated.

"My wife sent me out. She's upset," he uttered.

Hearing about his wife, she felt crushed so she lowered her head and didn't bother to ask why and why she was upset. She lifted her gaze again after a moment of sorrow. "Can I smoke?" She asked innocently.

A short smile curved at the corner of his lips. "Have you done this before?" He asked bringing the cigarette to her mouth and the smell was hot but she wanted to feel how he felt smoking.

Kathryn wanted to feel everything he feels. "No, you are so..."

"You wanna be a copycat?" He uttered.

"What's a copycat?" She asked.

"Well," he tilted his head to one side. "Ah," he gestured for her to plant the cigarette in her mouth. "Now breath it in since it's your..." Her cough cut him off.