Like a Zombie

Kenny stood up and went to sit next to her in bed. "Baby," he stroked her hair. He could sense she was awake but was just too lazy to face reality or just didn't want to face the fact that she was a stolen soul. "Mona," he leaned closer to her and pressed his lips on her cheek.

"Kenny," she whispered as she brought her eyes open slowly.

"I'm here, it's Sunday and you know that I'll be going to work tomorrow, don't just sleep," he told her. 

Mona lifted her eyes at him and let the tears that had been burning her throat out. "Kenny," she called him again. "I just don't feel like doing anything," she pouted her mouth. 

Kenny looked at her for a while and pushed back. "Come on, sit down," he assisted her in sitting. "Listen to me," he held her face. "I'm here with you, I'm also a soul that doesn't belong here," he tried to make sense.

"But you are not going to die," she stated.