3. Eeh

Kenny took his time on the floor because he didn't have the appetite to eat but for his wife, he stood up and began to cook. She had told him to stay healthy even if she wasn't with him and he had to obey because if she comes back to see him depressed, she'd scold him and wickedly stare at him.

He wanted that but he should stay healthy for her. He served himself at the dining table and started eating without his wife again, she wasn't there to caress his hair and make him laugh while eating or make him frown at her because of what she probably said. He glanced to his right to see her again, grinning at him and saying how handsome he was.

Kenny smiled foolishly because she was just an image in his head. With that, he had his breakfast and went to play his game. He was off work because he had to take care of his daughter and for three months, he wouldn't be at work. Any emergency will be brought home to him.