Entering the Colosseum

The man looked around and saw a small knife at a distance. It looked like someone had dropped it from above. 

"Those goddamn peasants. Always waking me up." he muttered as he rubbed his eyes and looked at the two newcomers who stood in front of him. 

"What the hell are you here for?" he asked lazily. 

Before Myriad Arrows could talk, Jake pulled him back. 

"We are here to bet on two contestants. New ones." Jake said. 

"You know that you can't bet on yourselves right?" the man said as he yawned, looking to the side and then the other one. Not once did he pay proper attention to the people in front of him. 

But Jake was not the least bit angry. He smiled and nodded. 

"I want to bet on him winning ten battles. One gold on that." he said as he took out one gold coin. 

The drowsiness on the man's face immediately disappeared as he stood upright and looked at Jake with surprise.