New Update

Jake opened his eyes. He got up from the pod that he was on, and looked around. 

His room was absolutely empty, with all of his stuff still unpacked. 

But the first thing he did even though he was exhausted, was slump next to the computer and log on to the internet. 

He needed to find out what happened at the end. An Update? The first update was supposed to happen a whole month after the world started. Not two weeks later! He was just not ready for what this update was supposed to bring. 

But the moment he looked at the forums, all he saw was exactly that. 

Everyone was talking about the sudden update that suddenly came when they logged out. And the others who were still in the game logged into the forums from there, and they were confused. 

Why would they have to wait till they were logged out before the update started? That didn't make any sense. 

Was this a glitch in the biggest virtual reality platform in the world?