[Bonus Chapter]Alliance

[Bonus Chapter because of the castle that has been gifted by Jason_Thomes. Thank you for the gift. Words cannot describe how happy I am.]

Immediately, sharp eyes fell on Jake.

"You know about this. Don't tell me. Is Bright Horizon one of the guilds of the inner circle? Which corporation do you represent?" one man asked in a heartbeat.

Jake smiled. 

"Why do you want to know? I mean, it is clear that you guys didn't do your research before coming here. I mean, you should know that I am not that easily threatened. I even got this dear young lady to part with her wealth." Jake chuckled. 

"I thought that he was a single player. Looks like he has backing. Fine. We are willing to enter an alliance with the corporation that backs you. But we are willing to pay cash. Ten Million Dollars for twenty percent of your guild. You are going to be valued at Fifty Million from the get go." the man in front said.