Disciple (Part 2)

Black Stone Kingdom

Capital City

"Brother, where are we going? And why did you give teacher so many coins? Those coins are worth money, you know." Michael's high pitched whines were all that Jake could hear. 

"Trust me. Paying her was the better alternative. Now that we paid her, she can't exactly tell mom where you are and that you are not in class." Jake explained. 

"But where is this? I don't like this place. It feels so weird to me." Michael said. He was two heads shorter than Jake, and everyone could see that a child was walking the Main streets of the capital. 

It was rare to see children walking around. They were usually in a few schools that were set up all over the kingdoms, and parents paid a few coins to keep the kids there. 

Michael was definitely out of place in this giant city. 

They halted in front of the guild headquarters of the Roman Empire. 

The guards there looked at Jake, and recognized him.