Dead and Deader

[You have died]

[You lost one level. Free Attribute Points will be deducted.]

[Do you choose to revive? Y/N]

Jake nodded. Reviving in World Online had something good about it. Once you revived, you would be taken to a random safe point in the territory, a place where there was no one about to attack. 

He clicked on the green button, and he felt color return to the world. He could see the forest around him teeming. The sun was bright, and its glare made Jake look away. 

The first thing that he did was look at his inventory. He wanted to look at the one thing that was in his inventory the moment he died. 

"It's there. It's there." Jake smiled. He jumped up and down like a small girl who just got her wish list satisfied. He had it in his inventory. 

"This is worth losing literally everything that we have gotten here. I actually have it in my inventory! I have the egg of a monster than can become unstoppable." Jake thought to himself.