The Holy Grounds (2)

The church doors opened, and the light from outside, well, it wasn't enough to even shine inside. It was early morning, and all people could see was that there was some light in the horizon. 

Only a little, like the sky was to miserly to allow any in. 

Ganshin led the line that they had created, with Father Joseph in the front this time. He didn't need any help getting on a carriage or anything. 

The carriage and the horse that they had kept in front of church stayed there with the horse looking a little weak, but nothing too worrisome. 

Jake was surprised that the horse was still alive, considering how many monsters were outside, waiting to come in. 

The party moved around the church, toward the area that was behind it. It was a vast space, and Jake didn't know what on earth he could expect from the holy grounds that they were going to enter.