Turning back

This realm seemed to be pretty big. Jake couldn't see much, and he was pretty sure that the devilish rock that they were hunting would definitely be in the center of this vast realm. 

As the party went forward, they were stopped multiple times by small fries. Each time, the party did all it could to finish the battle as fast as they could. 

Eventually, the trees started fading away. 

Their pale yellow leaves, and the rotten cores at the bottom were out of sight, and a new ordeal faced them now. 

They had stopped in front of a straight path. A path that was laid out in front of them, in stone and grass. 

The grass was all but dead, while the stone remained intact. This was a path that could be crossed with safety. And yet, looking at it, Jake felt like something bad was going to happen. 

It seemed like the others of the same party shared the instincts that Jake had.